Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ethics in Modern Data at the Houston SQL Server and BI User Groups, July 2020

On July 14, Christine and I presented at the Houston SQL Server and BI User Groups' virtual meeting. Our joint presentation is one of our favorites to present, Ethics in Modern Data. 

Thanks to everyone who joined the virtual user group meeting and asked great questions at the end!

This is an important topic that lives at the crossroads of both of our careers, my wife's career in organizational psychology and human resources, my career in data, and our joint passion for history and civil rights. It's important to understand that when dealing with bias, outcomes matter, intentions don't. While many of our examples come from the historical context of the United States, not all, and we have added addition context to an international audience.

Video recording from the GoToWebinar: https://1drv.ms/v/s!ArJKDbZJcmzGm8dN9ljGMZGWSjXybQ?e=ZRemJW

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